So Many Places to See…….

People from THIRTY different countries have been on my blog since I started it a little over a month ago. THIRTY COUNTRIES! I wish I had been to every one of them but unfortunately a lot of them are still on my list for future trips. Some of those places being:

Vietnam – Ohhhhh PHO how I love you

The Philippines – I have never met anyone from there that wasn’t charming

Hong Kong – rhymes with King Kong , enough said.

Brazil. Brazil is a tricky one. I have wanted to go for a long time but I’m not sure my self esteem could take it (and I have pretty good self esteem, anyone of my friends will tell you). For a while I taught English classes to foreigners in an academy in London and every single time I got a new class there would be a Brazilian girl in it and she would be gorgeous. I don’t mean celebrity, photo-shopped, make-up on gorgeous: I mean naturally gorgeous, and the killer? Every new Brazilian student would be the polar opposite of the last one yet still be gorgeous. So you know…..if you have any girlfriends that are getting a bit above their station encourage them to go to Brazil on their holidays, that’ll soon knock ‘em down a peg or two (or 500)

Well, that’s just a snap shot of my list. Realistically, I would like to go everywhere in the world – there is just so much to see and new things to learn but for now, due to the fact that I am ‘monetarily challenged’ shall we say, they are all going to have to remain list items.

So sad, so sad. But, Thank you! To all my visitors! It was lovely to have you, please visit me again soon xxx


What is on your holiday destination list?